Happy Valentines!
Heather was reminiscing last night - a year ago, Heather saw one of the midwives (Ray Spooner) and asked "Can you induce me now?" Anne was head-down, face-forward at this time, and I think she had already dropped, and we were so ready to greet her into our world. Because of Valentines, we took a special trip out to Outback where Heather shared her Filet Mignon with Anne.
Here is Heather's post from 1 year ago:
"As we sat in the midwife's exam room this morning, I told Charles that if I can't deliver on this Valentine's Day, I hope I get the consolation of another "freebie" centimeter. I got my wish! We are now 2 centimeters dilated and progressing. Last night I dreamt that I had lost 30 pounds overnight. In fact, I lost 3 pounds (only off by a power of ten!) since my last appointment, which is normal this late in pregnancy. My blood pressure is still slightly elevated but stable. Anne's heart rate was a little faster today; my guess is because she was actually awake and moving during this appointment. Normally she is snoozing or at least not very active during my appointments.
For each of the past three appointments, my tummy has measured 37 inches. Clearly Anne has not stopped growing. Instead, she is descending into birth position, keeping the tummy measurement constant. The midwife-in-training who checked for dilation today and "awarded" me my second centimeter is now the second person to have actually felt Anne's head through the membranes. Coincidentally, the midwife-in-training is also named Anne, spelled the same as ours. "The royal way," she smiled.
We head back for another appointment on Thursday afternoon, Aunt Dory's birthday and our 'official' due date. Until then, I plan to curl up by the fire and enjoy a good book. Happy Valentine's Day! "
And now little Anne is waking up. Much love to you all!
Happy Valentine's Day to our favorite Annie-pie! :)
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