Wednesday, February 01, 2006

More observations

Yesterday I noticed that Anne was walking more than crawling or stepping (using other objects to help her balance). She walks around objects, instead of to objects. She still falls sometimes, most of the time on her rump, but she has been known to go for a facedive. Since she still keeps her hands up, her palms often take much of the impact. Anne also recently descended down the stairs with much help from daddy, but she did it all on her own. She is very good at getting down off the couch or a bed (which are too high, but she has the concept down) - we have been teaching her "feet first", and she seems to recognize what we are demonstrating and saying.

Speaking of understanding, whenever she hears the train go by, she knows where to find it. She looks toward the west facing windows, and will come up to the patio door or ask to be pulled up unto the couch so she can say "hi" to the train. I mentioned to Heather the other day that the "traditional" sound of a train (CHOO-CHOO) does not apply at all for our trains. They all have a deep rumbling sound as they pass by, not sparing the blast on their obnoxious horns. As I mentioned the other day, Anne clearly recognizes "no" and I believe she knows "yes" and "good job", but the act of obeying is still a little lagging. I think she is catching on. Heather announced that Anne was "just like her" when Heather was that age when Anne was getting as close to "no" as she could, like the carbon monoxide detector or the leftover soap in the dishwasher.

In other news, Cousin Ben has a blog that hit the ground running:
That boy is going to pass up Anne in weight, maybe even height.


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