Tuesday, February 07, 2006

oh guht

Last night when we sat Anne down for some dinner, she got really excited and whispered "Hot!". Since we have been giving Anne hot food (eggs, portions of our dinner, microwaved leftovers), we often urge her to be patient since the food is hot. I think she now associates "hot" with food, hence the excited whisper. So about midway through the meal, I offered some "cold" yogurt. I do not know how much she is getting, but I tried to explain that "hot" and "cold" are adjectives. But I do know she got the yogurt part. She really likes yogurt. At one point, when we were not busy shoveling yogurt into her maw, she politely said "oh guht". It was really cool!

We also found out that poor Anne not only has a bad respiratory infection, but a low-grade ear infection to boot. The doc says there is not much to do about former but wait it out; for the ear infection, Anne is now taking antibiotics. I am thinking that I also have a respiratory infection, with no meds to or silver bullet to finish it off. Heather also found out that Anne is officially 20lbs and 9oz. I am sure she will appreciate being a "light" girl in the future.

One last thing I wanted to mention. Anne likes to communicate with other people. Heather tells me that when Anne was in the waiting room at the hospital, she went around to all the kids and told them "bye". Maybe she meant "hi", who knows. Whenever I Heather comes home to Anne and I, and I hand Anne off to Heather, Anne says "bye" to me and waves. Same thing when she nurses for the last time at night. It is rather sweet, but also funny. "Ok, I don't need you anymore, daddy. See ya."

I still love her. She is coughing now and waking up....


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