My little girl is growing up
As a father, I find it amazing to watch how she matures and develops. Yes, there are good things and bad things, but they all come together in one wonderful, adorable little package. Lately, there are times when she wants me to "go away, daddy". It breaks my heart, and I try to understand why. Part of it is that I am a bit more strict, I think, concerning discipline. So, when I go get her in the morning, she cries and throws a fit every single time because she wants her mommy, most probably because she wants to watch TV.
Last night we were talking with a missionary-to-be friend, and Anne fell asleep watching "Black Beauty". She looked so cute cuddled on her little baby couch, a head full of tussled hair like lion's mane. No matter how much she might not like that I keep her away from things (or actions), I am her father and protector, provider and watcher. And I love her very much!